Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Lost Crypt

Lost Crypt is a 2D sample project from Unity with really good illustrations, character animations, and light setup. It’s a game made by Unity using its software to show what can be done inside Unity for a 2D game. The game comes within a Unity project file, which can be used to learn how everything inside the game was set up, from character rigs and animations to environment and light setup. This is something that not every game provides. It also comes with a bunch of scripts that can be used in any other Unity projects. I used this game and project to learn about how the 2D sprite rig and state machines are set up inside Unity. I also used it as a reference for some of the animations in my game. I found it helpful to have a completed game that I can work off of, to see how to set up different functions and work with the different kinds of game objects inside Unity.

About This Work

By Atul Shakya
Email Atul Shakya
Published On: 05/06/2020