Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

RATIONALE: Intention

With my folio work, I’d like to explore the concepts of;

Unconventional horror + Visual Horror

Detective / Crime solving / Mystery

Simple but Engaging Interactivity


I’m hoping to create a visual novel with animated sprites, cutscenes and experiment with different types of player interactions for eg: point and click.

CONTEXT : Field 

I’m interested in creating a narrative driven, whimsical horror themed visual novel that is more puzzle based than fighting based. It would have a linear narrative in terms of story but would have interactivity in other places. Although beyond that, I haven’t figured out quite yet.

Some examples of recent games that are within the field I plan to pursue are;

  • Spirit Hunter NG series by Aksys Games (2D visual novel, graphical horror, mystery-solving)
  • Hello Charlotte series  by (Pixel RPG, psychological horror, choice-based multiple endings)
  • Little Nightmares by Tarsier Studios (3D platformer, bizarre/unconventional horror, puzzle based)

In terms of reviewers, ‘ManlyBadassHero’ and ‘Gab Smoulders’ on youtube are well versed in playing and critiquing games of this niche.

METHOD: Conceptual, Technical, Craft & Management

I’m hoping to discover new and unique ways of representing ideas graphically, and effective ways of telling engaging stories. From a technical standpoint, I’d like to learn Unity and figure out what kinds of features are feasible to include in an interactive visual novel.

Through my folio work, I’m hoping to get a clear understanding of the themes and concepts I should focus on and experiment with new ideas and methods.


I’m hoping to create the base of this game in Unity and support it with sprite and background animations and illustrations made in Clip Studio Paint and After Effects.

In terms of process, I thought about creating the artwork first while learning Unity. Once I’m well-versed in the software I can start on creating the base and integrating the illustrations and animations into it.

#kaykay #kkagistudio1 #kkfolioplan

About This Work

By Kay
Email Kay
Published On: 13/03/2020


AGI Studio 1, Folio Plan Post