Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

My main focus is going to be the Rubicks cube.  For the studio i am working on a motion graphic related to rubicks cube. So i am trying to explore different ways in which i can present a Rubicks cube.


Play and Observation

Method - 

For week one in observation i was fascinated to see the usage of 6 colours on many cubes to make a design from top view which is world famous game character, 'The Super Mario.'


Creative idea to present a mario over many cubes using 6 colours on the rubicks cube. it gives a pixelated image of mario with using colours, namely red, blue, green, white , yellow and orange.


In observation, i feel this is a very creative idea and requires immense patience. i would try to make something creative like this for my project.

About This Work

By Atharva Pravin Chepe
Email Atharva Pravin Chepe
Published On: 21/08/2018