Play and Time.
I played with the effects of motion and perspective on objects in a 2.5D timelapse. This exercise informed me with the details of depth of placment of objects while animating the camera and the delicacy of motion blur. I tried to capture the essesnce of disruption while trying parallex technique I'm undertaking in my studio.
Maurer Commercial by TWOSHOT did a very interesting project together called Architechture Animee which intrigues me reminds me of my own work in studio.
Zach Ramelan Tutorials
Surreal Sky Replacement TUTORIAL EPIC time-lapse EFFECT
A little video that shows animation of the attributes of different objects scaling and moving on their own while the perspective shifts.
What I learned out of this was how playing around with perspective using 3D camera enables me to mess around with the structure and staging of an image itself. This process, upon refinements will be very useful to me in my studio work.