Theme: Observation (of Self)
Method: First, narrowed down what "observation" about myself I wanted to express. Then, I programmed a short, text-based game with minimal graphics that would express said idea.
Context: Observation of self, Google as a search engine
Response: I love to snoop, and I'm very conscious about what I share online. Mash those two things together, and you get a good summary of my work - namedly, making digital environments in which players can investigate fictional characters.
In the span of two hours, I programmed the above game in AGS. Players type a single word into the (fake) search bar and the program spits out a list of recommendations based on things I have searched for in the past. This lets players form their own idea of what I might be like as a person, while also representing what I do for work.
(...Also, in researching this project, I realized just how much ominous shit I have to look up in order to keep my RP site running.)
By Courtenay
Email Courtenay
Published On: 19/07/2018