Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


play and object


it's short stop motion animation using plasticine. The objects are made by clay and clay is the object which can be every thing. 

At first i want make a group of animals. At the same time, players can play with the substantiality clay animals. My first idea is making a round pigeon, and after it swallowing a big cube chocolate that beside it, the pigeon becomes a cube body. It likes the character in "jack and tom" that having a deformable body.

I find it's hard to make it open mouse and eat. So i only made some molder and transform their position. I think the objects should be different from real. Take fruit, for example, watermalen can have a blue peel and texture, strubbery can be yellow. I make a pupple eggplant in side of banana. The game can confusion players when pick special fruit.

object can mix with different yellow and texture, so i use orange form it's body.


I used a plasticine to simply make several strip shapes to act as body stripes. They are like some ropes that are repeatedly wrapped around them.


I finally left the computer screen to make something. It was difficult at first because I couldn't make some very delicate shapes. The humidity and hardness and viscosity of the material were difficult to control. If I accidentally shake it, it would destroy the model I just made. Although the effect is very simple, I hope to do more perfect work later.

About This Work

By Joyce Huang
Email Joyce Huang
Published On: 15/09/2019








ADP, AGI Studio 2