Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


This week we we’re tasked with creating a piece in relation to the environment directly around us. I choose to focus my energy toward a fairly simple subject, this Bubble Tea I ordered earlier in the day. What I planned on doing with the subject was to translate the aesthetic, “essence” of the subject into a tangible entity. Sort of like a character inspired by the feel and look of bubble tea, or rather something that expresses it’s features in a more humanoid, life-like manner. I also took inspiration from artist “Lyra_Art” who has a series in he portfolio where she takes everyday objects  and designs them into characters.


I started out with a simple cup of bubble tea as a subjecy, I then choose to translate its aesthetics and “essence” into a short Work-In-Progress TV-Paint animation.
The material I choose to translate and focus on the most was the liquid tea itself. I focused on the flow motion of the in real life liquid by translating it into the motion of the dress on the character I animated.


About This Work

By Kess
Email Kess
Published On: 25/03/2021