Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to the theme of Character & Event, I continued my conceptualisation of a story structure for interactive media, this time focusing on how the environment and events feed into character, using a theoretical framework designed and presented in Illustrator. 

By expanding upon my earlier work with more diagrams and explanations about this concept, I have shown that a story structure is possible where event, environment and character have equal importance, feeding into one another to create more impactful organic storytelling. Here, storytelling is not a handcrafted experience, but rather a reaction to the flow of cause and effect and the relationship between every part of the game's world.

Similar work has been produced by ZA/UM (, whose work Disco Elysium explores this theme by focusing their game on introspection and building a character through responding to the world around you. Everything feels interconnected and grounded within a very well rendered setting that pushes you to reflect upon your decisions and how in turn those decisions reflect upon you, the player.

About This Work

By Bryn DC
Email Bryn DC
Published On: 15/05/2021