This week's topic was character and at dialogue.
My story is: The older cat said to the kitten next to him, "I stopped playing with this when I was three years old".
What I needed to discuss for this story was how to show the older cat as a proud and mature person. I expand on this dialogue.
Firstly, the dialogue starts with the content of the conversation, what toy keeps the young cat playing. At the same time it shows how special the old cat is. I ended up with a laser pointer, a toy that almost all cats can't resist.
Dialogue takes a major part in SmileyFaceOrg's piece Opera, with all the story details of the setting leading up to the dialogue. This inspired me to show a more understandable setting or character background through dialogue.
By Zhicheng Tong( Tori )
Email Zhicheng Tong( Tori )
Published On: 08/04/2022