Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to the theme of play and body, I make a game which similar with hopscotch.


because of quarantine, I don’t have too much chance to go out. I want do something could play at home. After I estimating the space of my home, I decide using empty floor to do some simple game. Hopscotch was kid’s game. Player need hopping the grids in order, player could draw grids themselves.

also,I found “arff” music Game. Player jump,clap hands or move their body following the music. this kind of game has simple rules.  that give me the inspirations.  about the game's rule.


  1. Measure floor’s length
  2. Using tapes to mark the empty floor
  3. cutting the colour paper, then paste them in this area
  4. ask one people to say colour and shapes, player should following his instructions and get to right place. (because it’s only myself in the test ,I make a  GIf to give me instructions)


I want make a game which could play at home, in my mind, this game was about player’s reaction capacity, they should find the right place in the game. But, owing to staff shortages, I should using GIF to issue the instructions, when I sped up the GIF to guaranteed challenge for me, this game became a shorthand game for me, I need memorise four or five instructions at a time, that give me some idea with add more rules or add more ways to play.


About This Work

By Yiran Pan
Email Yiran Pan
Published On: 04/05/2022