Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Based on the quick sketch exercise I did with other students in Week 5, I wanted to test animating these ominous triangles and repeated lines for the french horn.

This was my process:

  1. Tried animating these triangles that faded in and out, but felt a bit boring
  2. Tried animating lines that swayed up and down organically
  3. Tried repeating it three times to represent the three french horns

I'm not particularly happy with the results here, as I feel like they lacked that ominous feeling the horns gave, but I just ran out of time end of semester to do much more work on this. :( The lines could've been animated better and have the bulges flipping up and down rather than the whole line moving.

Stop: Stop playing it safe. Stop rushing.

Start: Try bigger shapes that fill the screen. Could help with foreboding and ominous feeling.

Keep: Keep working on this if I have time.

About This Work

By Helen Kwok
Email Helen Kwok
Published On: 23/10/2019






component work


IOL, IOLW13_S2_(2019), Illusion of Life