Theme: Found Objects
Create a stop motion from found objects, that is, my stash of teabags in my uni backpack
The tea bags have an open weave casing that lets water to move around the leaves. This fluid movement of the leaves gives me a feeling like watching smoke from a campfire, it's calming but always moving. While playing with the earl grey teabag, the strong scent of bergamot evokes the role a cup of tea plays in my daily life: it fuels me to do the things I want and need to do.
There's even an element of found objects in the construction of the stop motion. The video was made from the photos taken using some old scripts I had written for after effects.
By Amanda Belton
Email Amanda Belton
Published On: 25/03/2019
cps, cps week3, CPS Week 3 2019, t2, rocket, powered by earl grey, teabags