Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

1. Google AR animal

Since Google released the ARCore augmented reality platform early last year, Google has been improving its functionality. Then I discovered this week that its new feature is to add animals to this technology for the general public to experience. Just use Google to search for "shark" on smartphone or tablet, and then the "see the shark of physical size" option will appear in the search results, click "3D view", the camera will run out of a "Shark".

Google's 3D animals have become popular, allowing the value of AR technology to be tapped and bringing more space for educating users. The experience of combining AR and 3D continues, and AR technology will also play a greater value in other than entertainment.

In addition to the development prospects of AR technology, this experience of the program brought me some new ideas, stuffing the place of home with animals or interacting with it provides a lot of creative thinking.


2.The village

The village(1993) is a 2D animation film directed by British animator Mark Baker. This is an animated short film that won many awards in the early years.

The 14-minute animation vividly portrays as many as characters. The seemingly industrious woman sweeps the floor while stealing fruits; the decent priest occasionally drinks to relieve his worries; the prisoners in the dungeon seem to obey but secretly plan to escape from prison; the stingy old man faces the treasures of the collection Happy smile; the thug covets the old man's money; the thug's wife and the man planting the tree secretly pass the money. This is really a spectacular project.

In the film, ants run through the entire storyline from scratch. The ant in it is the series of story development is also a metaphor. What I understand is that people who live under negative collective ideology, like ants, cannot tolerate greater value than ant holes. Blocked in the hole, don't know what to do, and finally discarded.

Although the scenes in the animation are often still, the language of the camera where the animator switches the angle of view (used to look down many times) is very vivid.


About This Work

By Shika X
Email Shika X
Published On: 06/04/2020