Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


For the characters, I'm using a pre-made free mannequin model from Adobe MIxamo. I feel like this is a perfect model to portray the two characters in my story. Visually, they look quiet and yet poetic. The only changes I've made is their materials.

Black - Metal rust material that I colored it to black.

White - White marble instead of white basic material from blender.

Since rigging takes time, I used Adobe Mixamo's auto-rig. It can rig any 3d characters automatically by reading each shoulder and hand points. Although it is an auto-rig, it is not an IK rig. I have to manually IK rig the character rig to easy my animating and posing process.


The world is still in progress. For now, the area is a white background and a rough black reflective stone. I wanted to create something very minimalistic and poetic by using black and white. The lighting on the other hand, is a studio lighting HDR from Since I wanted a soft lighting.


The cloth simulation is still a narrative concept in the work. I wanted the black mannequin to "peel" off their blackness in the "Alternate World" to --

I'm inspired by Ghost in the Shell where in the opening scene, Motoko was being build and white flakes starts to peel off her skin.



I've recently had a compositing test in Blender since Blender has a really strong camera tracking system. The only problem I'm facing right now is how to cast "shadows" and match the object's lighting to the live-footage.


Clothing test:

Flake inspiration :

About This Work

By Alvin Khoe
Email Alvin Khoe
Published On: 14/08/2020


AGI Studio 2, Week 3