Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

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How can a 2D platformer game be developed for interactive projection-mapping?

I am making a prototype of a 2D platformer game, projection-mapped on physical 3D space.
The game is focused on player movement, traversal, and exploration.

• Because I want to find out how a 2D platformer game can be developed for 3D projection-mapping,
and how the aesthetic relationship between projected light and physical space/objects affect the interactive experience.

• There are no, if not barely any interactive projection mapping works that involves Unity and a 2D platformer game experience.

• An extension from my MAGI Studio 1 project, and to develop my technical skills in Unity, and game development.

• In order to help my community of practice understand how 3D projection-mapped space can be used as a canvas for spatial augmented reality, which expands on how people experience gameplay and physical space.

• To document and share a process of game development within Unity focused on projection-mapping outputs and techniques.

REFLECTION: It took me a painfully long time to zero-in on what I wanted to do for my Studio 2 project. The mind-mapping and research for what's being out there definitely helped, and it resulted in gravitating towards extending my ideas from my Studio 1 projects on interactive projection-mapping. I am both excited and challenged with the potential of my inquiry, which I intend to develop further through constant iteration, experimentation, consultation, and sharing my ideas with peers. I have yet to create a fleshed-out theme or narrative for this project, and it is something I plan on iterating and finalizing during this week.

A few things I would also want to explore through this inquiry is alternative controls for gameplay such as speech recognition, Kinect depth sensing, and the potential of OpenFrameworks


It Doesn’t stop here by Sarah Capon:

Gallery Invasion by Skullmapping:

King Sprong by Skullmapping:

Mamoon by Ben Steer:

Tiny People Tribe by Motomochi Nakamura:

Planet Triage by Cody Haeley-Conelly:

while(){}; by Brent Watanabe:

About This Work

By Carlo Tolentino
Email Carlo Tolentino
Published On: 30/07/2019