Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

A WIP of my interactive projection mapping project on how we embed meaning/significance to objects. Starring: Teddy, my wife's childhood teddy bear. 

Teddy would be projection mapped in physical space with the Unity Teddy. The coloured teddys represent memories/emotions. The player interacts with it using leap motion without an objective. Attempting to place all 3 coloured teddys in the sitting down (projection mapped) teddy will wake it up, enabling the user to interact with it as well. 

From being totally discouraged from the daunting task of learning Unity from scratch, I'm happy that my crazy idea is getting somewhere.
Will further polish some things, as well as fix that crappily recorded self-composed soundtrack and sound effects. The next challenge is the projection mapping tests using Unity>NDI>Resolume. 

Learned alot of Unity and Playmaker things these past few days.
Some key things I've (painfully) learned so far:

Photogrammetry / Meshlab / C4D import.
Leap Motion for Unity. 
Rigging. Colliders. Joints.
Creating Managers for FSM's. 
Global Variables/Events.
Int values/set/add/compare.
Create/Destroy Objects.
Animations/Animator comonents and Events.
Particle controls.
Gravity/Drag Physics settings.
Adding Audio reactions/soundtrack.
Video textures/Materials.
A crap ton of debugging and trial & error. (Will make another process/bloopers video yet again)

About This Work

By Carlo Tolentino
Email Carlo Tolentino
Published On: 28/05/2019