Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Guest speaker Andrea Innocent discussed the journey of her creative practice from fashion design into graphic design and her approach to her creative practice.

Innocent highlighted certain pieces of work and the meaning behind each image, often playing with interesting ideas she encountered. It was insightful to see how Innocent was able to incorporate her history in and love of fashion within her artworks, particularly the use of scanned textile texture as the colour layers in her images.

Innocent also discussed the idea of producing many quick sketches rather than finished works. This stops you from becoming too precious over a small handful of ideas without allowing them to become subject to change. By trusting that your future works will be stronger, one can move on from their currently ideas without being too bound to them. This grants a greater sense of creative freedom by removing the burden of constant comparison.

About This Work

By Ben Mansur
Email Ben Mansur
Published On: 08/05/2019








Guest Lecture, Week 9