Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

The Pond On My Window Sill:

The Pond On My Window Sill is a series of videos by Atomic Shrimp on Youtube. The aurthor scooped a jar of muddy water and weed out of a local pond, sealed it and placed it on his north facing window sill, in an experiment to create a sealed ecosphere. He used a microscope to observe and record the little ecosphere inside the jar for 3 weeks. I watched all the videos and learned a lot about micro creatures, that is very different with macro creatures. It inspired me a lot, especially the reproduction way of the hydra, where the child grow on its parent's body. Also, my project is a simulation of a tiny ecosphere as well, learn about tiny sealed ecosphere in the real world makes me have deeper understanding of how can a sealed ecosphere remain balanced.

About This Work

By Deno Zhang
Email Deno Zhang
Published On: 03/05/2020