Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

This week, I created a small forest scene in Unity using pre-made assets. I wanted to concentrate more on scale and composition, as last week, I greatly over-estimated the scale of the terrain I was using, and at the same time, did not play with the scale of the assets. This meant I spent a lot of time on areas which did not end up being in the shot. Also, I did not spend much time polishing the environment to ensure eg. ground textures blended nicely/interestingly, and as a result, in some areas the transition between ground and environmental models looked inconsistent and jarring. Therefore, this week, I began with a much smaller piece of terrain and roughly planned out the scene before starting, spent more time blending terrain textures, and ensuring the colours of the models and textures worked well together. Using post processing effects, I tweaked these colours (lighting, fog, grass, water, sky) to give them a blue/aqua hue. As a result, the scene looked more fantastical and cartoonish; a mysterious (but friendly) fae environment where sprites and fairies could be hiding. 

In the coming weeks, I want to begin creating the player Avatar, Gale, within my scenes, and see how this effects composition. Gale will be constructed out of natural substances (rock, dirt, leaves, wind) that are reflective of the scene itself. 

About This Work

By Natasha Vranic-Peters
Email Natasha Vranic-Peters
Published On: 04/05/2020