Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Wow, so this week I finally started using Unity. For so long I've been putting this seemingly daunting task off; I spent almost all of semester one one Blender, making 3D animations and the idea of making these projects interactive seemed way too complex at the time. Anyway, new semester, new software. I followed a tutorial made by a fellow named Emmanuel Henri which outlined some basics of Unity and made the task of learning everything considerably less daunting. I wanted, by the end of the week, to make and export my own game, and technically I did achieve that (though it's not much of a game- see videos: and

This was a significant step towards my Folio 1. I had initially conceived of Folio 1 as a short 3D animated film made to look like a video game. Following some feedback from Uyen my supervisor, I was advised to step out of my comfort zone, which I read as "learn Unity". After spending the week with these basics, I now definitely feel capable of actually making some very real interactive games- a considerably more interesting and challenging task than just making more linear works.

Next week I think I need to start experimenting with my games. The point of my Folio project is still to create a narrative around a fictional gamemaker, so I will need to start making games with some interesting idiosyncracies. And I'm sure along the way I will start learning lots of interesting things about making games. Wow.

About This Work

By Harry Hughes
Email Harry Hughes
Published On: 02/08/2020