Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

RATIONALE: Intention

For folio 2, I will add a little bit more creatures to make the natural world in my game more complex, and make the game fun and playable by adding more method that allow players to influence the world. I will also spend more time on the system to make the game world more realistic as well as impressive.

CONTEXT : Field 

This game will be similar to a Zero-Player-Game that don't have much interaction, but it will have a little bit in the stage of folio 1, so not a genuine Zero-Player-Game. The core of this game will looks like the Conway's Game of Life but far more complex. 

METHOD: Conceptual, Technical, Craft & Management

I want to be a game producer, I think I should try different games as much as possible, not only play but also develop. I don't have much experience on develop 3D games so I want to try it. Also this game is much complex on programming than any game I made before, it will be a challenge but also a great chance of practicing my programming skill, which is also important for a game producer.


I am using Unity 2020.1.0b1 to develop this game. Due to I already faced many problems on programming during the folio 1, I won't do much art works this time as well. I will continue using combination of basic shapes to make some simple models in Unity.

About This Work

By Deno Zhang
Email Deno Zhang
Published On: 27/04/2020