Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

A sleepy dog considers his option.

Sleeping dog is made in TVPaint. I came up against my own shortfalls in drawing when trying to rotate the dog's head through space. I experimented with an approach brought to my attention by Yao Shunyuan and used by the animator of My Milk Cup Cow, Yantong Zhu. I printed frames from TVPaint*, used a lightbox to redraw them, scanned and then imported them back in for use as templates. This was marginally more successful than drawing straight into TVPaint and certainly a work flow that interests me.

This was a large file and I am still finding TVPaint hard to naviagate. Somewhere in the timeline I lost the rise and fall of the sleeping dog's body.  A further iteration would see the the use of the scattered line brush to create movement in the dog's hair, along with sound.

* Yantong Zhu creates her frames in Flash, exports the drafts and does tweening and final linework on the light table. 

About This Work

By Sarah Dunk
Email Sarah Dunk
Published On: 29/07/2019