Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

The Idea

The idea behind the story is, the player is stranded in this void where he/she hears sounds
coming from a distance. There is a lighthouse in the distance, but the light has run out of fuel. The player needs to find ways to get to the lighthouse. Once there, he/she will pick up a trail of a sound coming from an abstract object, which the player needs to carry and use to fuel the light. When the light is on, there are several sounds coming from various directions. The player needs to pick up a trail of a sound and follow in order to find its origin. The player will find an abstract object each time and that object needs to be carried back to the lighthouse and use to keep fueling the lighthouse. When collected enough objects, the player will be teleported in a different, empty space. Where he/she will see a figure in the distance and as they try to go closer, that figure will respond to the player’s movement. The figure is nothing but a reflection of the player.

The lighthouse represents ‘hope’. Different sounds coming from objects represent ‘emotions’. These ‘emotions’ are used to fuel ‘hope’. The reflection, in the end, represents ‘self-discovery’ or ‘redemption’.


Initially, I made a different prototype but the core concept stayed pretty much the same. I
spent most of my time figuring out the narrative structure of the project, developing new
mechanics. But it turned out, it would have been more useful if I had spent time testing the theories rather than making them.

This time, I am adding some dynamics while also keeping the original concept.

About This Work

By Umang Jadav
Email Umang Jadav
Published On: 10/04/2020


AGI Studio2, Prototype, Studio2 folio1, umang