Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Play and Observation


Artist Marina Abramovic

This artist created many outstanding performance art exhibitions, including a performance art where she sat in a chair and stared at visiters.

What is FLOW THEORY in game design? - The Basics - (Part 1)

Flow is a game design approach, this video shows what is flow and how flow gets players to immerse themselves in the game and get focused.

The Self-Portrait Experience | Cristina Nunez | TEDxMilanoWomen

In this Ted speech, the woman tells her story about how did she using self-portraits to overcome self-esteem issue and become an artist.

Method: In my daily life, I spend a long time observing myself and trying to sort out the causes of all the emotions and try to understand why I am who I am. In this project, I tried to turn my observation into a figurative craft. I use a transparent container to represent my mind, just as I hope I can be fully understood, then I observed my inner self by sat in my chair and began to freely draw everything came into my mind when I thought of myself. The result is pretty interesting. It including subtle feelings, my favorite and nasty parts of myself, my family, my female identity and my memories. Then I put them together into the container and painted it into a girl's image.

Result: This is my first attempt to make handicrafts. Fortunately, I thought about recording the production process and as part of this work. I really like this result, the process is very fun. In all the self-observation I have done, this time is the most satisfying for me. In addition, I can add new things to this jar anytime, it can become more like me.

About This Work

By Echo Zhang
Email Echo Zhang
Published On: 29/07/2019