Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Play & observation

Animation about faces expressions are very common, in both humans and animals, in Realistic and cartoon style. And it’s one of the most powerful things in stories to convince the spectator, like the cat of Shrek

I made the graphics on illustrator and the interaction in Adobe XD.
In addition, I made a little animation in after effects   

This activity was about observation, about looking ourselves internal and physical and make something playful, and because I have never done anything with interaction, I would like to start exploring it for this semester.
I felt very limited because I don’t know how to use any software for interactivity and I don’t have any interactivity software on my computer, so I decided to try for the first time Adobe XD to make a prototype.
It was very easy to use, I made the graphics on illustrator and the copied them to on the other software and with help from one tutorial I learned to connect objects and pages.

I recorded a video of me pressing the bottoms because I realized that with this software I can’t download the file it only gives you a link, so that was a little disappointing, but I enjoyed a lot looking how a few changes on a graphic can caused such a big difference.

About This Work

By Valeria Wolff
Email Valeria Wolff
Published On: 26/07/2019






ADP Week 1