Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Cash n Gun
You will take part in a group of gangsters who is trying to split up a deal. The goal is to get more money than anyone else while keeping yourself alive. You can make decisions like the criminals you see in Hollywood films. Holding (fake) guns in your hand, you will need to choose who to aim at, or whether you should surrender or not, etc.

At the start of the game, each player is dealt a card with a location. Among one of them is a spy card. The players need to eliminate the spy before the spy manages to find out the location. You will need to come up with suitable questions that trick the spy. On the other hand, the spy needs to think of trustworthy information to cover himself.

Fog of love
The game is made specifically for 2 players. It allows people to create romantic situations that mirror those from romcoms. Players will meet, love, quarrel, even break up.

About This Work

By Linh Nguyen
Email Linh Nguyen
Published On: 01/07/2020

