Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Aim-Exploring the process of visualizing music.

Rationale-Simulate music with graphics and lines and their movements will record the changes in music.

Method-Use harmony to draw simple shapes and lines, and use tools to change the position and shape of the graphic.

Outcome-In fact, I found that it is difficult to fully match music, which takes a long time to listen to music and find some details . My understanding of music may not be enough, the work does not have a good fit with music, and there are some ways in which it may change.

-The objects in my work change in shape according to the changes in music. The disappearance and appearance of sound will produce different objects. The pitch of the sound will also change the position of the object.

-Movement is a simulation of the change in sound that makes the sound come alive and to be a visual work.

About This Work

By Faye Feng
Email Faye Feng
Published On: 11/08/2019