Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Creating animated machines that transitions into abstraction


Do a simple animation movement with simple shapes and lines, then have a moment where it transitions into something unrecognisable


One animated machine. The first one which features shapes that create some sort of movemet of eating, which at one point disregard it's natural shape and goes into a fluid surreal state. I tried to change the colour palette for the second version and make it move a little bit faster to try and evoke a different feeling. 


I'm quite happy to be able to explore movements and transitions using very simple limited lines and shapes. It forces out a creative state from inside you to make something recognisable and turn it into absolute nonsense/madness. For a moment it almost tricked the viewer's by forming a familiar animation sequence, which to just the disperse and form patterns and movements that doesn't restrict them to their original shapes. 

I also tried to experiment with the colour and chage it into an overwhelmig green colour, which were meant to evoke 'disgust'. While the first colour paletter, which is yellow, blue and red, a common colour in food / restaurant setting. When I change the background and the plate color to green, it winds up a different feeling. Especially because the green colour were dominating almost the entire scene except for the 'character', it makes it look nauseating.

About This Work

By Clarice Tan
Email Clarice Tan
Published On: 03/04/2020