Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

To explore which colour scheme suits for my character

I was not sure which colour would be suitable for my character. Thus, I tried various colour combinations on it and let my friends, who might be potential users of the app, vote for it.

I experimented with red, blue and green in the beginning. The green colour looked too strange, so it’s removed from the list. Then, the yellow and black colours were also experimented on the character. Next, the coloured characters were voted by my friends and Nick. Actually, unlike last time, the number of votes were quite even and some people voted for the whole colour group. Finally, the red one with yellow shoulders and arms got relatively more votes. Hence, I decided to work on it in the following weeks.

From the feedback, I’ve learned that quite a lot of people describe the black and yellow ones as bees/ bumblebees. Also, some people think the black and grey ones are in greyscale and look too dark. One of my friends said all of them looked weird and suggested the white colour but another friend said the white colour made it look like Eve in Wall-E.

About This Work

By Margaret Wong
Email Margaret Wong
Published On: 14/05/2020