Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Week 3, i have tested one of transition movements in my animation that relate to timing and spacing, this one is about the tea is overflow of the cup, and the camera follow the water drop, it turns to the raining scene. The ripples formed by raindrops bouncing off the ground and the intervals between water droplets bouncing and falling are all representing time. The speed and rhythm of the pouring rain, as well as the speed of the unfolding scroll, were all things i have tested this week.

The law of water drops falling in animation is based on the laws of physics. Specifically, the motion of falling water drops is governed by the laws of gravity and fluid dynam - ics. During the exercise, I followed the rules of free fall and drew the key frame of the falling water drop (left side). After referring to many animations about water I found that the droplet bounces up after falling to produce a splash, it is not only subject to horizontal force but also to vertical force, so in addition to the ripples formed, I have to focus on the changes of the droplet in the vertical direction. Refelctive: to refine this motion, I will focus on the Lighting and Reflection. Adding reflections to the water drop - lets and the environment can create a more realistic and immersive expe - rience.

The final result is here:

About This Work

By Ariel Ruoxuan Fan
Email Ariel Ruoxuan Fan
Published On: 22/03/2023