Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Revisit one piece of work from either your project or our weekly exercise and re-iterate it around the ideas of creating  stillness or pause in the work to effect a moment of interest.


I think stillness is a unique expression. When the character is still, it can be set off by the changes of surrounding things. In this exercise, the character is stationary, the light in the center and the shadow behind the character are changing, and I chose the cool color light and the background to set off the overall sad, calm atmosphere. Not only that, changes in sound effects can also make this animation a lot richer. In this animation, I added the sound of heartbeat to the music. In most of the previous exercises, I usually choose to express through the change of characters, but this static expression gives me the opportunity to think and practice from a different angle. In my project, for some sad and quiet atmosphere, I think it is more appropriate to use static expression

Stop:To stop painting at an action

Start:To think next movement

Keep: To keep test

About This Work

By Ruijia Sun
Email Ruijia Sun
Published On: 08/05/2020