Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Making the drawings of body movements using different, unrelated and unusual sound effects.


I chose some sounds from the given source that I think would be interesting to use while animating  a fighting scene.

  1. When the clock tickling

  2. Sound from an elephant

  3. Metal dropping on the floor

I continue with TV Paint, since I had some problem installing ToonBoom Harmony on my PC.


I tried to relate the chosen sounds to the interaction between characters, and it turns out quite interesting how unusual sounds can be applied to different contexts.


This was the first time I tried to animate along with sounds. I must admit this was a challenging task to experience with , especially something that I haven't done before, since it takes more time to analyse the sounds and mark the timeline. With TV Paint, I had to do everything manually and it seems to be more convenient in ToonBoom. However, I realised that sound effects can be used as a different approach to shape the context and make the animatic more convincing. 

About This Work

By Bach Pham
Email Bach Pham
Published On: 28/08/2020