Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

The two words I chose are blurry and sharpen.

To make the independent performance of a and b, I decided to start from the dynamic movement, in the performance of the blurry theme, I chose a relatively "soft" dynamic, that is, a feeling similar to the bubble floating in the air, on the contrary, in the sharpen one,I used an irregular, small range of fast vibration to enhance the sharpness feeling.

In the choice of the a to b route, I chose to start with the action first, and then through the dismantling and reorganization to complete the change, because the scattered points can be regarded as a relatively vague shape, and can be regarded as each clear Point, so I chose to use this intermediate medium to complete the conversion.

In the third scene of my project, there is also a process of metamorphosis: the clouds in the scene become the mouths of monsters that devour creatures. Through this week's practice, I also used a metamorphosis from blurry to sharpen, to create a metamorphosis from the unknown feeling to a clear horror atmosphere, which matches the project theme.

About This Work

By Yuchen Henry Wang
Email Yuchen Henry Wang
Published On: 03/06/2019




animation, illustration


major work


IOL (2019) week 08