Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Full final composition:

Homework Reflection:

Briefly discusses your choice of opposites/binaries in relation to your project.

I chose the opposing states of restfulness and drowsiness for the basis of my project, because of the relation to my ongoing project. One of my initially generated ideas was restful and serene, intending to show the comfort of childish innocence in contrast to the restlessness of busy adult experience. I wanted to develop this idea further, and an exercise exploring binaries seemed the perfect opportunity.

What route you chose A or B? Why? Describe your thinking behind your approach to the experiments you conducted.

I chose to use B as a mask over A, revealing and hiding the restful character. I wished to create the impression of a dream-like experience tugging at B, as it tries to resist the pull. I wanted to keep this scene grounded in the textural feel of the background, and thus transitions were focused on the character at the heart of the stage.

Reflect on the outcome pieces.

Although I like the aesthetic of the work I produced, I can’t help but feel that I missed the point of the exercise. In making the focus of the route from A to B a masking transition, I removed the opportunity for metamorphosing the shapes themselves. In future, a more fluid and abstract transition may prove more interesting and fruitful.  

Is there any way your exercise might feed into your larger studio project or inspire an aspect of it?

Despite this exercise being inspired by the ideation work I completed for Studio, I feel the outcome has solidified in my mind its unsuitability for my larger project. The tone of this piece is too slow and sedate, which doesn’t into the impulsive exploratory motif I have been working on in my project.

About This Work

By Evan McInnes
Email Evan McInnes
Published On: 29/04/2019








IOL, IOL (2019) week 08