Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Outcome link:IOL7 light and texture

In response to the weekly theme, I continued to experiment 3d camera tracking with the variation of texture and light animation.

By using 3d tracking technic, I tracked my live shot and set up the scene in 3d software and trying to manipulate with texture and lighting for the models. I had so much fun during the testing, and I reckon it has lots of potentials to manipulate the texture and light. While the outcome of using sketch-based texture will be used in my studio project in the monochromatic scenes.Similar themes are present in Bastiendubois's work, in which animation is used plenty of fabulous textures and it highlight the colourful vibe of travelling around.


During the iteration of the composting, I got a shadow problem in 3d software that cost me plenty of time to figure out why there is a weird shadow exist in my scene. The reason is I created shadow catchers in the 3d software, they accidentally interact with each other when the camera is moving. Because I displayed the shadow catchers in the hierarchy which made me spend lots of time to find out the reason. However I have learnt my lesson, I will try to think about avoiding the object interaction while making 3d tracking next time.


Bastiendubois 2015, Madagascar, Carnet de voyage, Viemeo, viewed 28 April  2021, <Madagascar, Carnet de voyage>.

About This Work

By Chloe Ma
Email Chloe Ma
Published On: 03/06/2021