Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Aim: I responded to Movement without form,
tempo and rhythm. My aim this week was to try and
accomplish what I had set out to do the week before
attempting to hone the movement of the wind waves.

Method: I felt underprepared to know the motion of the
waves from memory. I planned to go to St Kilda pier, my
closest furthest out point into the ocean – outside of
hiring a boat – and draw the ocean from life inspired by
Leonardo Davinci’s water movement studies and JMW
Turner. I also filmed and timed the water to study later
and translate to Unreal. I created a new particle system
in Unreal, based on the one the week before. This time I
extended the spawnable area so it would move forward
along the Y axis. Iterating it in different ways to narrow it
down into something I was happy with, I ended up with
12 different particle systems – one with exaggerated
slower particle motion (inspired by Nick’s Week 2
direction about the slower particles).

Reflection: Week 3 really changed the direction of
my IOL project, opening my eyes to the possiblitiy
of abstracting the motion of the water to create
experiences which might break the motion of my
project and contribute to the total mood of each
weather system. I was also able to create the most
realistic motion I had achieved so far, informed by
familiarising myself with observed motion of wind

About This Work

By Oliver Hull
Email Oliver Hull
Published On: 03/06/2022

