Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to this week’s theme ‘Timing/Spacing’, I decided to choose three clips from my current project ‘opening’ that could best represent rhythm, timing and tempo.

The first clip is the first scene of my animation. In my audio, there was a bird chipping sound, To match the audio, I decided to make a scene that has a bird and sky. Here, I tried to sync the timing of the audio with the animation. (The bird chipping sound has continued for 4 seconds approximately, I start to move the camera after 3 seconds.)

In the second clip, I made a scene showing characters opening their eyes. Following the sound beat of the music, I have to manage the duration of this scene to be between 3-4 seconds to create a rhythm, but also to leave space between each character’s movement to make my scene not too busy with too many elements

The last clip is about a butterfly flying past the camera. The butterfly’s wing movement creates a tempo. Moreover, the flight path of the butterfly is very special. Unlike birds and dragonflies, which fly in a straight line, the flight path of the butterfly is like a wave going up and down, which is also where I need to control the rhythm.

Version 01(Bird flying, Opening Eyes, Butterfly) :

Version 02(Bird flying):
After experiment, I found it would be more lively to make the bird fly across the screen.

Version 02(Opening Eyes):
It still feels a bit chaos if I put them in the same scene, so I changed the timing.

Version 02(Butterfly):
I was thinking of redesign this scene because it was empty and meaning less, so I decide to add August into this scene to further illustrate his personality.

Version 03(Butterfly):
Following Yee’s suggestion, I make August walk towards the butterfly to make he seems more intrigued.

Software used in this week:
Clip Studio paint
Adobe Premiere

About This Work

By Mingxuan Zhu Helen
Email Mingxuan Zhu Helen
Published On: 23/10/2022