Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Using metamorphosis to build the feeling of weightlessness and using the building lights as a metaphor for the pain experience. This week I played with the polarities of rigid and flexible.

The city lights change shape and function metamorphosising from building lights into a swimming sting-ray type of shape and the into the stars in the sky.


  • Exploring the potential  in that inbetween stage of transforming from one thing into another. It's an opportunity to create something other entirely.


  • Refactoring the code so that, with each iteration through the same code base, it becomes easier to build upon what's already been made

About This Work

By Amanda Belton
Email Amanda Belton
Published On: 13/05/2019


IOL, Unity, city lights, metamorphosis, IOL Week09 2019, IOL Week09, sine waves