Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

These are the first outlinned drawings of the content that the users will collect when they scan an object found in the location.  

There is a lot of thinking that has gone into how these drawings have been structured. Considering what the object is that this 'chapter' will be spawned from, what type of narrative will be presented? Negative or positive? How do I want the user to feel when reading it and what do I want them to take away from the space?

The shell for example is an object that will be located close to the ground, where it would be literally found. The user will have to engage with the space to find it, the shell itself is a commonly found object on the beach and therefor a symbolic object for the beach. I also feel that in the action of having to squat down to scan it is kind of a similar physical movement to the movement of bending down to pick up a shell, which is kind of beautiful in itself.

The shell is then in the foreground of the “collected” (these images here) image, where the user’s eye is slowly then lifted to the image of Daven walking into the water. This is to encourage the user in the real world to look out to the actual ocean themselves as they reflect on the text they have just read.

About This Work

By Liberatas
Email Liberatas
Published On: 28/06/2019