Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

I got a lot of valuable feedback from Helmut during my presentation. This would be where I really begin to diversify from the direction I’m taking from Studio 2. With Illusion of Life I need to start to refer more towards the tribulation aspect and its relation to the 12 principles of animation. However I want to keep going in the direction of iterating so that I can regularly see and archive the project as it continues to evolve. It will also give me a place to rely back on once I get additional feedback seeing that it can be applied retroactively. I will need to stop for a bit in terms of progressing the animation so that I can better personify the 50/50 conflict aspect of the black and white, showing the contrast between the two which is to be amplified by the positive and negative space. This was one of the feedback I had gotten last week from Helmut. I feel that applying my learnings from Illusion of Life onto my Minor Project will really solidify its strength.

About This Work

By JeeHoon Oh
Email JeeHoon Oh
Published On: 18/04/2018


context, production


animation, written


minor work


IOL, IOLW06, Week 6, iteration