Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

For Professional Preproduction class in Week 7, we all had to work on a "vertical slice" for our projects.

As production for Heartree hasn't started yet, and Heartree is mainly a sound and touch installation (there are no animations or digital visual imagery), I decided to create a concept artpiece of Heartree using photo maniupation techniques and public domain images. I think the end result gives off the immersive and magical vibe of Heartree to the viewer. 

These images can also potentially be used for animation to show how Heartree works (with on and off states), or an online interactive piece for those who can't experience the installation in person - quite timely, given the COVID-19 situation.

About This Work

By Helen Kwok
Email Helen Kwok
Published On: 24/04/2020








Playable City Brunswick, Professional Preproduction, heartree, playable cities, vertical slice