Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Here is the detailed version of how I want my project to spread across the weeks.

The main focuses of the project are on getting something playable, and experimenting with audio mechanics.

Schedule Studio 1 Folio 2 Objective
Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12
1.0 - Character Controller X Make a character playable on a map, with camera control & etc. Exploration type of controller.
1.1 - Character Animation / State Integration X X Implementation of animation, with a correct timing and speed
1.2 - Beat Tweaking polish on Character X X Polish the animation implementation according to a BGM beat, starting to implement an audio mechanic in the feel of the character movement.
1.3 - Character States (idle, free, controlled, etc) X X The character will be changing state when switching to battle mode or when performing certain controlled actions. I want a state system to handle that.
2.0 - Camera World Swapping Mechanic X X I want the visuals to be able to dynamically change depending on the current player state, with a high impact and a wow factor. One world is standard, one is highly audio-dynamic.
2.1 - Implementation of Beat World Objects X X Implementation of more assets for the highly audio-dynamic world.
3.0 - Audio Experiment 1 X X X Experimentation with the combat mechanic and audio, test 1
3.1 - Audio Experiment 2 X X X Experimentation with the combat mechanic and audio, test 2

About This Work

By Hizi
Email Hizi
Published On: 03/09/2018








Hizi, preproduction, studio 1, scheduling