Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


The Witness (developed by Jonathan Blow, published by Thelka Inc., 2016) is a first person puzzle game which involves a very smooth and nice graphic aethetic, as well as a textless puzzle world to solve. In this case, I implemented a strong visual shading look as a reference to this game, as well as a type of puzzle which features mostly textless visuals as clues.


I want to create a small game prototype which showcases the interaction of an object with others. The whole point will be to create a type of demo mechanic which could be used in a puzzle game, without including any interactions between the objects with the player.

In this case, I will showcase how a portable object will react when being near another object, as well as how it will react when not being near any objects.


I've created a small demo using a first character player, with basic props around it.

Facing the player is a small cube that can be carried by the player. The object by itself refuses to show any interactions and is just static, but when brought near other rotating objects, it will start to rotate and glow based on all the objects around it (and will combine colors too).

I've also added column that may show up when the portable object is near a certain amount of cubes, just for fun.

No body allowed!

About This Work

By Hizi
Email Hizi
Published On: 10/04/2019






component work


CPS, CPS Week 5, CPS week 5 2019