Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Almost everything in our daily life is built by us. In other words, it is us who give them the meaning of existence. Without human, these objects may not even exist or in a different form of existence.

Objects are not exhausted by our use of them, they may turn into another form during the process.

Why does an object exist? Because it has some kind of connection with other objects no matter what it is dead or alive. If something doesn’t have any connections with the world or any other stuff, it doesn’t  exist.


I want to explore the relationship in the perspective of the object itself, trying to connect the world with these unusual relationships. This will become a entirely new relationship map without human.


As usual, I dont know what I am going to make. But something came out during the process of finding, in the nature, everything has some kind of connections that define what they are. Furthermore, some objects are connected in a circulation that they will change into something else under a particular condition. 

About This Work

By Stark(Guangrui Zhang)
Email Stark(Guangrui Zhang)
Published On: 03/04/2019