Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Every object in the world has a construct of "faces" if you observe closely. The scientific name for this curious perception is called Pareidolia, a tendency of observing an inaccurate perception to the observer that could project faces in an object, shapes in clouds, and hidden sound in music. In this case, I took pareidolia as a construct of creativity, creating a story through an object with a "face".

As simple as a road blocker with LED lights, with the right perception, could turn into a little character in our world. Using only After Effects and Duik Bassel Rigging plug-in, I created a simple motion graphic of the road blocker doing its job, to stop a vehicle and creating a story from an object's function.

About This Work

By Alvin Khoe
Email Alvin Khoe
Published On: 05/03/2020