Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to this week’s theme tinkering, I created a 3D scene Aquarium, by using some simple shapes.

By using 3D software Maya, I have gotten more familiar with 3D modeling, and It’s an experience that I got the idea of an aquarium by randomly blocking in. In my future creations, if I run out of inspiration, I can also get some ideas in this way.

My inspiration comes from the artist Keith Haring.
He create his artwork by using methods lithography, screen printing, etching, woodcuts, embossing, and etching. I want to try Keith's method to create my own work, which is to compose a work with very simple elements and create it randomly.


About This Work

By Mingxuan Zhu Helen
Email Mingxuan Zhu Helen
Published On: 25/03/2022