Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

Theme: Time

Method: Created a series of illustrations that showcase the passage of time in a singular location, by building on each previous image.

Context: Loosely inspired by a section in Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent, in which players must organize a series of security footage stills into chronological order by observing character movement and changes in the environment. I've got a great interest in using that sort of cause-and-effect stuff in my work, and how things from the past can build on top of each other to create something much more complex.


For the sake of this experiment, I dug out a murder mystery story I've been working on in my free time. I began by drawing the staff room in the morning, and then gradually added/removed details to it and changed the lighting. Not only does this indicate the passage of time, it also indicates something about how the space was used - messages being written on a whiteboard, coffee cups never getting cleaned, post-its being tacked up or removed.

...And, y'know, there's the dead body and the broken window. But that's besides the point.

About This Work

By Courtenay
Email Courtenay
Published On: 26/09/2018








CPS Week 9, Character place and simulation, cps