Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity


Time as a material


The work is inspired by the Japanese sci-fi "The Man Who Walks Randomly"(酔歩する男) of Yasumi Kobayashi.

Characters did an operation to their brain then they lost the sense of time, so the time they experienced is random pieces.

What is time and how to feel it?

When we feel time we actually feel the causes and results, movement of objects, continuous progress.


Design the route and cut them into pieces.

Then show the disordered pieces.


I was trying to express the random time jump experience of the character and showed this work to some people but everyone is confused.

The reason might be that as audiences, we still have a linear experience instead of randomly traveling the time.

So the audience will be confused by the random jump.

About This Work

By Chengzan Dong
Email Chengzan Dong
Published On: 30/09/2019
