Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

My video is available at:

In response to the theme of time I made a series of short video edits, tinkering with displaced time. 

By using displaced time, I demonstrated how time can be used as a physical material and how time and rhythm affect how we read people's movements and tones. It also draws attention to interesting aspects of people's physical movement and makes me contemplate repeated patterns in time like taking the same walking paths every day. 

These assembled experiments are inspired by a short film I saw years ago that I could not manage to track down (about a man drawing a blue line in urban spaces and time displacement happening on either side of it, if you know it, please let me know) and Tango by Zbigniew Rybczyński (1981) about the moments that take place in one house over a lifetime. 

It fits into my practice as my first venture into time in urban spaces. It fits into my practice technically as an excuse to practice garbage matting, rotoscoping, shake stabilizing and making hidden seams. 

About This Work

By Holland Kerr
Email Holland Kerr
Published On: 05/05/2021