Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity
Master Of Animation, Games & Interactivity

In response to the theme of "character, environment and events", I made a 2D animation using Blender of a warplane in a foggy sky.

I was trying for a while to think of an appropriate project, and was thinking a lot about an example Max brought up in relation to the character>action>environment>character etc. cycle where you have a cynical person walk into a room and act in a way that encourages a negative energy, thus creating the negative environment that they see as "how the world is".  So I thought of a plane in a foggy sky where it can't see anything; it keeps getting struck by lightning and interpreting that as it getting shot by an enemy, so it shoots its lasers into the clouds, the lasers hit another plane which then creates a lightning storm which comes back and hits it. It's an angry and scared warplane, but it's only really angry and scared because it itself is shooting and creating a hostile environment: it is shaped by and shapes its environment.

This reminded me a lot of early top-down-shooter video games, because of the simplicity of movement, and the audio- which is all just me making noises with my mouth- reminds me a lot of some of the audio from Monty Python sketches and films.

About This Work

By Harry Hughes
Email Harry Hughes
Published On: 30/04/2020